Earth Hour

From :

• Earth Hour is World Wildlife Fund’s global initiative where individuals, schools, organizations, businesses and governments turn off their lights for one hour to cast a vote in favor of action on climate change. By voting with their light switches, Earth Hour participants send a powerful, visual message demanding action on climate change.

• Earth Hour is the largest climate event in history. In 2009, more than 4,000 cities in 87 countries went dark. Here in the United States, and estimated 80 million Americans participated, along with 318 cities and 8 US states.

• Participants in this movement are encouraged invite friends and family to take action, and incorporate ideas and solutions for combating climate change into their daily lives.

So EathHour is tomorrow, March 27th at 8:30pm your local time. I participated in this last year by turning off all the lights in my house as well as all possible computers and electronics. It’s also a good time to just “unplug” for at least an hour.

Feel free to leave comments on how or if you’ll be participating as well.