Yeah, got your attention didn’t I? Unfortunately, The banner I threw together in a few minutes and the event doesn’t actually exist. But this has been a dream of mine for many years. It was basically the reason why I joined the Ubuntu community to begin with. I love installfests, conferences, and events where we bring together many organizations to promote a single idea. I have read many blogs about different LinuxFests like Ohio Linuxfest, LinuxFest Northwest, Texas Linux Fest and SouthEast LinuxFest. Everyone who has been to these have said they’ve been a lot of fun and informative.
Now for Boston. We have so may companies and organizations in and around Boston that could make this happen. The Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Group has already had some pretty decent Installfests and release parties. These have turned out pretty successful with the very limited amount of marketing and advertising. The Boston Linux and Unix Users group has periodic installfests and events. There has also been mention of college linux user groups scattered all over the state.
We need to bring all these resources together to make one of the best LinuxFests around. If anyone from Massachusetts (or surrounding states) would like to help out or knows of resources to bring this together, please let me know(lots of contact info for me on the right-hand side of my blog). I certainly don’t have the required time or resources to put this all together by myself, but I would like to put into it everything I can provide.